DEBRISSAT-2 (43680 NORAD) Tracking and Keplerian Element Data
This shows tracking and keplerian element data for the satellite.
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Element | Value |
Catalog | 43680 |
Name | DEBRISSAT-2 |
Epoch Orbit | 11126 |
Epoch Day | 151.69072398 |
Epoch Year | 2020 |
RAAN | 356.6377 |
Inclination | 51.6154 |
Eccentricity | 0.0010832 |
Argument of Perigee | 273.4515 |
Mean Anonmoly | 86.5274 |
Mean Motion | 16.42437352 |
Decay Rate | 0.1146865 |
L1 | 1 43680U 98067PR 20151.69072398 .11468650 12477-4 51439-3 0 9995 |
L2 | 2 43680 51.6154 356.6377 0010832 273.4515 86.5274 16.42437352111263 |
Live tracking and technical data element details for DEBRISSAT-2 (NORAD 43680). DEBRISSAT-2 can be tracked NOW for your location showing map with azimuth and elevation plus other details from your city location.
IsCatalogInMostPopularTable: catalog: 43680, numindb: 25591
Update: records affected: 1
GetName: 43680 DEBRISSAT-2
Hit Count: updated at: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:22:18 GMT