CZ-5B R/B (48275 NORAD) Tracking and Keplerian Element Data
This shows tracking and keplerian element data for the satellite.
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Element | Value |
Catalog | 48275 |
Name | CZ-5B R/B |
Epoch Orbit | 154 |
Epoch Day | 128.8570845 |
Epoch Year | 2021 |
RAAN | 159.7603 |
Inclination | 41.4573 |
Eccentricity | 0.0029099 |
Argument of Perigee | 247.8635 |
Mean Anonmoly | 292.7779 |
Mean Motion | 16.44362448 |
Decay Rate | 0.10495065 |
L1 | 1 48275U 21035B 21128.85708450 .10495065 80719-5 19011-3 0 9993 |
L2 | 2 48275 41.4573 159.7603 0029099 247.8635 292.7779 16.44362448 1542 |
Live tracking and technical data element details for CZ-5B R/B (NORAD 48275). CZ-5B R/B can be tracked NOW for your location showing map with azimuth and elevation plus other details from your city location.
IsCatalogInMostPopularTable: catalog: 48275, numindb: 5152
Update: records affected: 1
GetName: 48275 CZ-5B R/B
Hit Count: updated at: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 12:46:02 GMT