Keplerian Orbital Elements for the Sun Orbiting the Earth

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Satellite     : SUN
Catalog       : 0
Epoch Time    : 25001.00000000000        (year 2025, day 1.00000)
Inclination   : 23.4406 deg              (Earth's axis tilted 23 deg from ecliptic)
RA of Node    : 0.0000 deg               (definition of Right Ascension)
Eccentricity  : 0.0167133
Arg of Perigee: 282.7685 deg             (perihelion in early January)
Mean Anomaly  : 357.6205 deg             (The Earth is quite close to perihelion on Jan 1)
Mean Motion   : 0.002737778522 rev/day   (one revolution per year)
Decay rate    : 0.00000 rev/day^2
Epoch rev     : 2025                     (orbit number equals the year)
Semimajor Axis: 149597870 km